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Then I got a brain storm to try to connect two cameras together, each to a different card and to turn them on all together. Now and then I swap the connections around. Is there any updates beyond installing the legacy driver. Neither my onboard firewire ports or installed PCI allow firewire devices to be seen.

Been this way since upgrading to 64 bit. It worked ok on 32 bit Windows XP and Windows 7 32 bit.

Gelöst: Sony NWZ-E wird von PC nicht erkannt [Win7] - Sony

Just when switching to Windows 7 64 bit and later Windows 10 64 bit it became an issue. Indem Sie diese Website nutzen, erklären Sie sich mit dieser Verwendung einverstanden. Weitere Informationen. Kein IT-Experte? Microsoft-Kundensupport Microsoft Community-Foren.

Windows Client TechCenter. Deutschland Deutsch. Home Windows 10 Windows 8. Stellen Sie eine Frage.

Ähnliche Threads durchsuchen. Remove From My Forums. Benutzer mit den meisten Antworten. Windows 7 IT Pro. Windows 7 Hardware Compatibility. Now my Firewire does not work. I was told to wait a couple of months. Does this souind right? What can I do?

Sonntag, November I hope this can help you. John Zhu.

Als Antwort markiert Linda Yan Mittwoch, Dienstag, Alle Antworten. No, that doesn't sound right at all. My understanding is that most if not all controllers are supported with the drivers included with Windows 7. Can you please look in device manager and see if it shows any errors for your controller?

I have the same problem, but I'm afraid to change the driver because of how it might affect my firewire audio interface. This is critical for my firewire audio interface. Would turning off pageing on the firewire HD help? Freitag, John John. Montag, When I went to post a new thread, I was directed to this one, most likely because my issue was the same as maranga's. I guess the forum wants to avoid duplicate posts. Perhaps you are right, though, in that my question about the Texas Instruments chipset makes it different Still working like a charm with the old driver.

Absolutely no issues anymore. Not a single event entry concerning firewire. PhoenixGTR: Why don't you just try to change the driver?

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If it is not working properly, you just change it back : Changing it does not really add something "old" to the system, but just reverts the "new capabilities" to the old behaivour. Talking about performance in my case: The new one delivered a very poor performance, which could be due the errors it had to handle. The new one is as fast as expected from a connection. Hi, Try changing your firewire driver. Hi John, Do you know if this new firewire driver was first introduced with Windows Vista?

Freitag, 8. Januar I have dozens of FireLite Firewire drives laying around and was going crazy because they worked for a while and then all of a sudden an Event 25 error showed up saying the firmware was out-of-date so Windows was stopping it! I thought if it's working, then leave it alone. BTW the devmgmt. I know that this doesn't add a lot to your answer, but I wanted to get a couple of keywords in here so that people can find this answer since it took me forever to come across, namely the sbp2port Event 25 Error in Event Viewer, and the FireLite external firewire hard drive wording.

Dienstag, 2. Februar Hi, I have an echo audiofire4 sound card. I downloaded the latest drivers which, according to echo are compatible with win7. However, the device doesn't work properly, but works fine on XP, so the device is OK.

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Any ideas? Is there any driver update I could use to make things work? Freitag, 5. Hi John, I use my computer in a professional digital recording studio. My specs are: Intel Core 2 duo processor - 3. For some reason, when I turn my firewire mixer on, my computer blue screens and restarts.

If I don't turn my mixer OFF, my computer will continue to blue screen and restart. However, I don't believe it's a driver issue. I read your other threads, and you seem like you know your stuff Sonntag, 7.