Whatsapp msgstore lesen

Quelle Teilen. Erstellen 05 jun. I had a problem almost similar to yours.

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Whatsapp can only read "msgstore. These databases with dates are databases which is for backup Every 4am. They backup only for 7 days. Do not worry,they contain the same file. It is just incase your current msgstore. This folder is either located in your device's internal memory or external microSD card.

To restore the most recent backup, you will need to uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp. During the installation process, you will be prompted to restore your message history. Choose Restore to restore your missing chats.

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This folder may be located in either your device's internal memory or external memory. You will now be able to see your restored messages. If you want to revert the restoration, simply change the backup filename back to what it was, rename "msgstore.

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Erstellen 16 jun. All the 'msgstore' in the database of Whatsapp are not being restored. Quelle Teilen Erstellen 05 jun. Source Or if you want to read directly from here Summary WhatsApp automatically backs up your chats every night. You can initiate a restoration by simply uninstalling and reinstalling WhatsApp. Click Restore when prompted to restore your message history.

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Your missing chats should appear in WhatsApp! If you need to restore older messages, check out "Restoring older less recent backups". Your backup is too old. WhatsApp cannot restore backups that are too old. You have a different phone number than when you backed up your chats.

In any of these cases, there is no way for us to restore the messages for you. Schritt 1.

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Führen Sie Dr. Fone für Ihr iOS-Gerät. Schritt 2. Schritt 3.

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Offenen Dr. Nach dem Scannen erfolgt, sehen Sie die ausgewählten backup-Dateien in das benachbarte Fenster. Ein neues Popup-Fenster erscheint.

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Die Nachrichtenanlagen und Nachrichten können in diesem Fenster, Zeit, anstatt alles auf Ihre iCloud-Backup herunterladen speichern auswählen. Schritt 4. Dies wird die Nachrichten auf Ihrem PC speichern.. Es ist in der Lage, die bestehenden und gelöschte WhatsApp Nachrichten scannen. Lesen Sie unten, um zu sehen wie diese Methode funktioniert:.

Sie müssen die dr. Nach einer Weile wird die Sicherung abgeschlossen.. Schritt 5. Sie können diese Inhalte direkt auf Ihrem PC lesen.. Die besten Eigenschaften dieser Software bestehen aus:. Download Dr.