Handy live tracker

Jagdhund Ortung - Der GPS Tracker für Profis | Tractive

You can monitor every tracker from all your iOS devices. This is possible due to anonymous tokens which are stored in the iCloud. You can also share the trackers with other iOS users. Within the app or with KML links.

No extra costs - you pay only once per tracker. The can administer multiple trackers. Make sure to turn on the GPRS-switch for this tracker. Unfortunately this is not available for all models. Usually you would need to put the SIM in a regular mobile phone to configure it in a way, so it won't ask for the PIN anymore. Then you would put it in a tracker.


So planen Sie z. So können Sie rasch handeln. Dank Mikrofon kann Ihr Gegenüber auch direkt antworten. Kundenbeitrag von A. Kundenbeitrag von J.

TrackerID GPS Datenlogger, GPS für Katzen

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TrackerID WLAN, GPS & GSM-Tracker, Live-Tracking-App, Gegensprech-Funktion, IP67

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